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Use to Drive Lead Generation

If you’re a business, you want more leads, right? And you’re almost certainly using your website to drive lead generation, right?

(If not – you really should be…)

So how can you utilize the free Google data that is so readily available, to drive lead generation through your website?

Read on for an outline of some of the easiest – yet most overlooked – things you can be doing to get more value from your online presence, through the use of Google .

{If you don’t use AdWords to promote your site, you can probably skip the next section – though it’s quite short and contains some useful info anyway!}

Use  to Drive Lead Generation

and AdWords

If you’re using AdWords to promote your website, using data to help inform your decisions is a ‘no-brainer’.

But it’s surprising how many businesses don’t link the two systems together – with many people not even being aware that you should do so.

If you still need to do this — read Google’s guide to linking your and AdWords accounts.

Once you’ve done so, you can import your data back into your AdWords account – giving you more information to work with when deciding which of your AdWords adverts are performing best, so you can focus more on those ads for maximum returns.

Plus you can try to emulate the key factors within the best performing ads across the rest of the AdWords campaign.

Bonus Tip on How to Drive Lead Generation

One little-used tactic to benefit AdWords data is that you can even implement elements from these best performing adverts into your other marketing efforts.

For example, if a particular headline can be seen to be working well within your AdWords account, it stands to reason that the same headline will work in any other marketing you might be doing, such as image-based online ads or press ads.

Also, if you have been testing particular headlines within your AdWords ads and have identified a particular one that works well for getting people to download a resource, you can utilise this headline further by making it the main headline on the resource page – thus leading to a greater connection in the mind of the person who clicked the ad. You can even tweak the name of the resource itself to match up with the headline, leading to even more of a connection.

On top of this, you can also utilise the same headline in your metadata Title Tags. The AdWords stats show that people are attracted to click the headline in the advert, so they are almost certainly going to also be attracted to click the same headline in the organic Search Results.

for Conversion

One of the key features within that will help your AdWords decisions is the use of Goals. (See this article on setting up Goals).

If you set up your Goals correctly, you can track such useful information as:

  • How many people click a certain link – useful for knowing which of your pages are attracting visitors once they’ve landed on your site.
  • How much time is spent on a page – which gives you an indication of how interesting the subject is and if you should write more content in a similar fashion.
  • How many contact forms are sent – alerting you to whether your Call To Action perhaps isn’t as compelling as it could be.

For B2B marketing campaigns you can view how many people download any resources you’ve put together – useful for deciding which topics you should add more content for.

for Lead Tracking

One very valuable method of using Goals is for setting up a unique thank you page that relates specifically to a particular Call To Action – ie when someone fills in a form to request a particular download, they are sent to a unique “thank you” page with its own URL.

When you setup this URL as a specific Goal, it’s then easy to track and measure the leads from that particular form.

Not only that, it’s also easy to identify which post they came from previously, using Reports. (Read more about setting up reports).

This gives you yet more information you can use to determine which posts are the popular ones for generating leads and adding new subscribers to your list.

So you can create more content on a similar topic, anticipating that this new content will also be beneficial for lead generation.

for Offline Lead Generation

A valuable facet of that you may not be aware of is to set up a unique ‘forwarding’ domain that you promote within your offline adverts. (ie you setup a specific domain name that you promote in your offline adverts, which simply acts as a web forwarder to send the visitor to a landing page on your existing site).

When people visit this URL they will be forwarded to your landing page, allowing to track those visitors and let you know how many people came through that specific URL - and more importantly what they did on your site once they arrive.

This helps you determine whether to continue with your offline promotions and whether you should consider focusing on them more.

Other Useful Info

There are plenty of other useful bits of information you can gather from .

Referring traffic – this helps you identify which other sites are sending the most traffic. If you find a site that appears to be particularly good for sending visitors to your site, you can approach them to try and develop more of a relationship – thus increasing the likely number of visitors you receive over time.

Time spent on a particular page – can help you determine the best subjects to write about, as the longer time people spend on a page, the more engagement they are having with the content itself.

If you find a piece of content that is particularly engaging for your site visitors, why not develop a lead magnet that you can use as a Call To Action on that particular page – thus helping build your list even further, based on real data gained from .

Interestingly, an important issue for many sites is the stats for Mobile vs Desktop users.

You should really have a responsive site by now (shame on you if not!) – So the Mobile vs Desktop stats shouldn’t really make a difference in terms of the site design.

But if you find that you’re getting a significantly larger number of visitors to your site using mobiles, maybe you can decide to cater to this audience a bit more by offering them something mobile-specific, such as an app? (Something that it is possible to put together quite inexpensively nowadays).


There are plenty of things you can be doing to use data for lead generation and list building – some of which are outlined above. So make sure you take full advantage of the service, before your competitor sites do!

Author Bio:

Matthew Murray is the Managing Director of Notable, a B2B lead generation provider in Singapore. Notable helps companies connect with prospective clients looking for their services.

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