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Mastering The Art Of Local SEO [Infographic]

When tackling an SEO problem to make sure your local business sits on top of the search heap can be tricky. Unlike regular SEO, the art of local SEO is something to master so that you can that can bump up your ranking in your city.

If you are stumped on how to improve your standing, the infographic below can set you straight. But before digging into all the information, here are the most indispensable criteria that affect how your website ranks locally.

3 Factors That Affect Your Local Ranking

In order to move up in search results, and for your business to come out on top in a local search, you first need to know the basics that impact your score. Based on a Moz study, these are:

1. On-Page Signals 

Accounting for 20.3% of what makes an impact, this is the most important factor. Primarily this relates to your website’s Domain Authority, business NAP (name, address, and phone number), and keywords used in your content and titles.

2. Link Signals 

Comprising 20%, this pertains to the sites that link to yours, and the quality of those sites. The more “respectable” the sites, the greater the value links from them add to your search ranking. On the contrary, if “questionable” sites link to yours, that could mean a drop in standing. Anchor text, and how they are used within your site is another factor here.

3. My Business Signals

Garnering 14.7%, this directly connects to your usage and upkeep of your GMB (Google My Business) page. You’ll need to keep an eye on the accuracy of the information on your GMB page, along with keywords you use. These can greatly affect your ranking in local search results.

Best Practices To Reach and Maintain Top Local Ranking

Armed with the tools to overcome your poor local ranking woes, the next step is putting them to use. So how do you utilize this knowledge to serve your needs? Below are the first steps on the right path to your success.

  • Upgrade your link profile – Since doing well in local search results is your goal, it’s important that you connect with local businesses. Building good working relationships with existing businesses in your community not only makes good business sense, but it can also help your local search rank. Remember, the more credible sites that link to yours, the greater the benefit for you. Attend local events to get in touch with other local business owners, and set up working partnerships with local high-authority sites.
  • Refine your website – Be sure to update all your information so it is accurate and relevant to the business you are doing. Improve the quality of your content in ways that make it more appealing to visitors. This can be done by including high-resolution images and optimized keywords that can easily lead clients to what they are looking for.
  • Optimize your GMB page – As stated above, NAP is critical here. Keeping all this information up-to-date and accurate is a piece of cake, and by doing so you will start to see the rewards. Focusing on which keywords are used, and make sure they are relevant to the products or services of your business, and your location.

With a greater understanding of how local search rankings are gauged, you are now in a much better position to hit your goals. For further details, have a look at the infographic guide on the art of local SEO below.



Image courtesy: Shane Barker
Author Bio:
Shane Barker is a digital marketing consultant who specializes in influencer marketing, product launches, sales funnels, targeted traffic, and website conversions. He has consulted with Fortune 500 companies, influencers with digital products, and a number of A-List celebrities.

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