Marketing Eggspert Round-up: Instagram Marketing Revisited
We had an Instagram Marketing round-up on the Marketing Eggspert blog last year but as it has fast become the in-thing to use Instagram to market your business I thought I would find far more posts to share with you. So here you go … why Instagram is more important than Facebook as marketing channel, how to use Instagram stories, influencer marketing on Insta, lead generation tactics, making your time more efficient on Instagram, mistakes with video on Insta, grow your business using Instagram Marketing and lots more.
Why Is Instagram Becoming a More Valuable Marketing Channel Than Facebook? - So, why are young people replacing Facebook with Instagram? This is a very important question for brands because this social group is most active when it comes to online shopping. Marketing Eggspert
Instagram Story Highlights – The Best Way To Tell Your Followers Who You Are? – Moment #105 - Stories, the part of Instagram that lets people share snippets of their day in a slideshow format, used to disappear after 24 hours but not anymore. Now you can highlight stories you love and showcase them at the top of your Instagram profile. Spiderworking.com
How to Crack Instagram Influencer Marketing in Ecommerce - If you have an ecommerce website and you want to boost sales and brand visibility, we’ve got some tips for you. Here is how you can use influencer marketing and Instagram to grow your business. Marketing Eggspert
6 Instagram Lead Generation Tactics - Do you have an engaged audience on Instagram? Want to convert your Instagram followers into leads? In this article, you’ll discover how to combine calls to action with Instagram features to capture more leads for your business. Social Media Examiner
How To Use Instagram To Grow Your Business - From a business perspective, Instagram is not only attractive because of the large user base, but also because the users here have high engagement rates. Marketing Eggspert
6 Important Things I’ve Learned From Marketing a Business on Instagram - As a self-taught social media manager, I’ve learned when it comes to promoting a brand on Instagram, merely having a presence there isn’t enough to succeed. As the numbers indicate, more and more companies are running business accounts on Instagram to reach their target audience and promote their brands. AllBusiness.com
How To Make Your Time on Instagram More Efficient and Effective - Nowadays, everybody spends more time on Instagram than really necessary. Some of the time is spent on posting personal or company’s content. Some on catching up with friends. And some is a complete waste of time. How can you make your time on Instagram more efficient and effective? Marketing Eggspert
5 Mistakes You Are Making With Your Instagram Videos - It makes sense why Instagram users post more images, they take less time to create than videos. But if you want to drive higher levels of engagement you should begin creating more videos. Jeff Bullas
Happy Marketing
Sian Phillips, Content Editor