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Why Struggling Businesses Need to Adopt SEO Marketing Campaigns

It’s true that a website is a great tool for marketing your business. Just having one isn’t enough though. The site has to be marketed to get more traffic. SEO or search engine optimization has proven to be helpful in that regard over the years.

Unfortunately, many businesses balk at the idea of spending for SEO. Some even go to the extent of calling SEO a complete waste of time, money, and effort. The questions, however, remain:

  • How are your website and business doing without SEO?
  • Has your brand become recognizable?
  • Is your business one of the first things search engine users see when they type in a keyword in search of something related to your industry?
  • Are sales as robust as the coffee from your favorite shop?

If the answer to any of the questions is no, you may need to take a closer look at SEO again. Businesses small and large alike—especially struggling ones—can benefit from an SEO marketing campaign. Here are some reasons why.

Why Struggling Businesses Need to Adopt SEO Marketing Campaigns

Everyone is on the Internet

Customers are now online more than ever. Whatever product or service people want or need, they Google it. Buyers today also tend to do more research before paying for anything. Any useful and relevant information a buyer can get from your site is a plus and increases the likelihood that he or she will buy something. But your site has to show up in the top search engine results pages first, and SEO can help you achieve that.

SEO helps build brand awareness

Getting more sales is great, but SEO helps with more than that. When SEO makes your site rank highly for many search terms, your brand will become more visible to more people. Eventually, people will associate your brand name with the industry, especially when it appears in all the relevant places on the Internet.

Your competitors do SEO

Ever wonder why your competitors are ranking above you in the search engines? While not all of them may be running an SEO campaign, there’s a good chance that some of them are working with SEO companies. And they could be taking business away from you.

SEO is affordable

Forget what you’ve heard about how much SEO companies are asking for their services. Compared to what traditional ad agencies charge their clients, the services of SEO professionals are ultimately cheaper. SEO is also more cost-effective as it allows you to shape your campaign based on what your business needs.

SEO works

You might have heard some not-so-wonderful things about SEO before. Perhaps you hired an SEO company in the past, but it didn’t turn out too well. What you need to realize now is this: SEO works, especially when you have a decent website with useful and relevant content. It may take some time, but a solid SEO marketing campaign done by the right SEO professionals can help you get more traffic. Increased traffic means higher rankings, and higher rankings translate to more business.

Author Bio:

Andrea Ladera is an SEO professional for My Biz Niche. When not helping websites get to Page 1 of the SERPs, Andrea (she also answers to Andy) walks her Yorkie around the block, among other things. She also does yoga.

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