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On Losing A Great Employee

On Losing a Great Employee

One of the biggest headaches for any business owner — but particularly a micropreneur, who does the bulk of the work but may have a freelancer or two — is finding and keeping good talent. I’ve worked with a dozen freelance writers over the past 13 years with Egg, and I know how hard it is to find not only talented writers but also people who are reliable and willing to work with me for years.

I had that with Kimberly Crossland, one of the best writers I have had the privilege to work with. I brought her on maybe five years ago, and have had the longest-running professional relationship with her that I’ve ever had.

Kimberly is moving on to greater things, and I couldn’t be happier for her. She’s even gone to the trouble to help me find a replacement (impossible, Kimberly!). But it makes me realize how much we rely on great employees.

When you pretty much are your business, it takes a lot to find people you trust implicitly with that reputation. I’ve never let a freelance writer work directly with clients until Kimberly. It says something when you know that the person you hired can only make your brand look better.

I hope you have a Kimberly or two working for you. And I hope I can find another. Because when you hire people who get what you’re doing and help enhance your efforts, your business thrives.

Thank you, Kimberly, for years of giving me your best. I will miss you.

Susan Guillory

Susan Guillory is the President of Egg Marketing & Communications, a content marketing firm based in San Diego. She’s written several business books, and frequently blogs about small business and marketing on sites including Forbes, AllBusiness, and Cision. Follow her on Twitter @eggmarketing.

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