What Small Businesses Can Do to Combat Fake News

The fake news phenomenon has taken on an unprecedented role in today’s society. We often hear the phrase thrown around amongst our politicians, on our news outlets, and occasionally from our next-door neighbor. But what exactly is fake news?  To…

6 Ways to Use Customer Support to Increase Sales

Customer support goes far beyond responding to customer questions. When strategized well, it will boost customer satisfaction, retain customers, and encourage brand advocacy. Above all, it can be a powerful sales tool. Here is how to use customer service to…
Customer Churn

How to Measure Customer Churn and Prevent It

Convincing a customer to purchase or sign up for your product is one thing, but making them stay loyal and continually use or depend on it is another. This is why customer retention requires a strategy that will make customers…
Instagram Sales Funnel

Great Tips to Boost Your Instagram Sales Funnel

Business or lead generation is not limited to the search engines only. Social media platforms are also the most reliable channels to drive significant business. Instagram is one of the popular social media platforms and has better engagement than any…
Managing Pr

Managing Public Relations and the Media

As the business world continues to recover from the threat of COVID-19, the public relations field is increasingly in the spotlight. Major companies including Amazon are finding themselves embroiled in a sort of PR battle, where profits, public health, and…