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A Guide to Social Media Customer Care [Infographic]

Using social media customer care is not rocket science – but neglect to brush up on a few basic principles, and you can soon find yourself in a crash and burn situation. Social media is still a young form, and customers and businesses alike are learning etiquette and effectiveness as they go along. The two things – how to be polite, and how to get what you want – do not always seem to go hand in hand!

But for businesses, at least, treating customers with respect and humanity is a first principle. On social media, your interactions have a direct bearing not just with the customer with whom you are talking, but with all your existing and potential customers – and your reputation as a whole.

Social media is a notoriously subjective communication channel. One guy’s jokey exclamation mark is another guy’s yell. Even if you think you’ve got a pretty good handle on what you’re doing, it’s worth returning to the basics if you want to avoid causing accidental offense – and to maximise the opportunities that arise when you come face to virtual face with a customer.

This new infographic from Headway Capital is a great way to check up on your social media customer care skills. Run it past your team, and your business should remain on track to master customer service in the age of the emoji!

Author Bio:

John Cole is a digital nomad and freelance writer. Specializing in leadership, digital media and personal growth, his passions include world cinema and biscuits. A native Englishman, he is always on the move, but can most commonly be spotted in Norway, the UK, and the Balkans. Follow on Twitter.

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