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5 Non-Writing Musts for Writers

There’s more to being a freelance writer than typing words on a page. Successful writers know that they need to be on top of their game in many different ways. No job involves just one task, and writing is no different.

Here are five things writers do throughout the day or week other than write.

5 Non-Writing Musts for Writers Read more

Get Better Freelance Work Opportunities While You Explore The World

Do you have a passion to see the world? Do you want to go to India, see the royal palace of Spain, swim in the clear blue waters of the Bahamas, or snap lots of photos of giraffes on your next safari in Africa? How about the Eiffel Tower of France, the gondolas in Italy, or the market streets of Mexico? Does this all sound like a wonderful dream to you that just sounds too good to be true? For those who have a passion for writing and journalism, you could totally have this. Traveling freelance writing is growing in popularity and the options are endless.

Get Paid to Travel and Write: Calling All Passionate Writers and Travelers!

But how do you go about it? How do you get jobs? What are some tips to stay concentrated on both your travels and writing? Below are some cut to the chase, simple guidelines and suggestions to help the passionate writer kick off their travel writing career with a bang!

Get Better Freelance Work Opportunities While You Explore The World Read more

Have You Found Your Blogging Voice?

During the journey of your blogging, have you ever noticed a gradual change in the way you write your articles? Have you become more comfortable with expressing your ideas the way you want to? If not, then maybe you haven’t begun to find your blogging voice yet.

Have You Found Your Blogging Voice? Read more

How Blogging Helps Your Startup Achieve Success

With over 1 billion websites in the online world, and more and more people consulting the Internet prior to making their final decision on purchasing a particular product or services, it is evident startups have to do whatever it is in their power to stand out in this competitive market.

If we take into consideration the fact that almost 50% of shoppers view between 3 and 5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales representative, we can conclude that a blog is an essential ingredient for customer engagement, and ultimately, startup success.

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