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Content Marketing Analysis

How to Perform a Content Marketing Analysis

Recently, I conducted a content marketing analysis for a new client. Its purpose is to analyze where a brand is in terms of reaching its audience through content and find ways to improve it. Given that things have slowed down for…
Increase Leads With Webinars

7 Ways to Increase Leads with Webinars

In today’s competitive business world, several digital marketing trends are being implemented to generate new leads. However, many of them have a lengthy process and require constant follow up with cold leads, leading to low conversion rates and substantial waste…
Entrepreneur Energy

What Kind of Entrepreneur Energy Are You Bringing?

You might not put much thought into the energy you bring to your business, but it’s worth reflecting on. Your entrepreneur energy—how you feel about your business and your customers, and how you express that energy into the world—has a…
Entrepreneur Edge

The Entrepreneur Edge: Learn from People Who are Smarter Than You

I’m one of those know-it-all people you love to hate. I’ve felt (up until recently) that there was little I needed to learn in the world of content marketing. After all, I’ve been in the industry for 15 years! But I’ve learned to set my ego aside in this matter, and as a result, I feel like I’ve achieved what I’d like to call the entrepreneur edge.

What’s the secret?

New Year's Business Resolutions

My New Year’s Business Resolutions for 2020

I know there are people who detest resolutions because they think they’re unattainable and pointless, but I’ve been creating New Year’s business resolutions and personal ones for so long, they’ve become a habit. No, I don’t always achieve them, but setting them for the coming year helps me align my mind with where I want to go.

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